Subversion Repositories navi

Compare Revisions

Ignore whitespace Rev 186 → Rev 211

24,8 → 24,10
import dbconnector
import parsenum
wordlist = dbconnector.getnavilist()
wordlist = [{"id": 0, "navi": u"tawtute", "infix": u"tawtute", "type": u"n."}] + dbconnector.getnavilist() + [{"id": 0, "navi": u"na'vi", "infix": u"na'vi", "type": u"n."}]
brokenwords = ((u"sami", u"si", u"", u"am", u"", (()), (()), False), (u"to", u"to", u"", u"", u"", (()), (()), False), (u"poltxe", u"plltxe", u"", u"ol", u"", (()), (()), False)) # These are words that are either not in Eana Eltu, or that get interpreted wrongly for whatever reason. The latter should be removed from this list when the parser gets more sophisticated. The former should also have an entry in the equivalent array in the translator! If it can take infixes, consider adding it to the main wordlist above (see the examples). The order is - original, Na'vi root, 0-pos infix, 1-pos infix, 2-pos infix, prefixes, suffixes
infixes1 = (u"awn", u"eyk", u"us", u"äp", u"")
infixes2 = (u"ìyev", u"iyev", u"ìmìy", u"arm", u"asy", u"ilv", u"ìmv", u"imv", u"ìrm", u"irv", u"ìsy", u"aly", u"ary", u"ìly", u"ìry", u"ìlm", u"alm", u"am", u"ay", u"er", u"ìm", u"iv", u"ìy", u"ol", u"")
infixes3 = (u"äng", u"ats", u"eiy", u"ei", u"uy", u"")
38,6 → 40,15
lenit = ((u"px", u"p"), (u"tx", u"t"), (u"kx", u"k"), (u"ts", u"s"), (u"t", u"s"), (u"p", u"f"), (u"k", u"h"), (u"'", u""))
def parseword(wordin):
tempid = 0
temptype = u""
for brokenword in brokenwords:
if wordin[0] == brokenword[0]:
for word in wordlist:
if brokenword[1] == word["navi"]:
tempid = word["id"]
temptype = word["type"]
return {"word": {"id": tempid, "navi": brokenword[1], "infix": u"", "type": temptype}, "pref": brokenword[5], "post": brokenword[6], "len": brokenword[7], "inf": (brokenword[2], brokenword[3], brokenword[4]) }
ret = {"word": {"id": 0, "navi": u"[" + wordin[0] + u"]", "infix": u"", "type": u""}}
for word in wordlist:
foundit = True
82,7 → 93,7
if splitword[wor] in wordin[wor]:
center = splitword[wor]
if center == u"":
if center == u"" and (wordin[wor] == u"paya" or splitword[wor] != u"pxay"): # XXX - maybe fixable without hardcoding?
for i in lenit:
temp = u""
if splitword[wor].startswith(i[0]):
129,9 → 140,12
if posf.startswith(pos):
if pos in foundposts[wor]:
posf = posf[len(pos):]
if pos != u"ä" || word["navi"] != u"pey"
posf = posf[len(pos):]
if posf != u"":
foundit = False
65,7 → 65,7
def parse(numin):
if u"mm" in numin:
return None
if (numin[0] == u"a") and (numin[len(numin)-1] == u"a"):
if (numin == u"") or ((numin[0] == u"a") and (numin[len(numin)-1] == u"a")):
return None
prefs = []
posts = []
101,41 → 101,48
ret["oct"] = outoct
return ret
#other numbers
notbase = False
for n in range(len(base)):
if numin.startswith(base[n] + u"zazam"):
outoct += (n+1) * (10**4)
outdec += (n+1) * (8**4)
numin = numin[len(base[n]) + 5:]
notbase = True
for n in range(len(base)):
if numin.startswith(base[n] + u"vozam"):
outoct += (n+1) * (10**3)
outdec += (n+1) * (8**3)
numin = numin[len(base[n]) + 5:]
notbase = True
for n in range(len(base)):
if numin.startswith(base[n] + u"zam"):
outoct += (n+1) * (10**2)
outdec += (n+1) * (8**2)
numin = numin[len(base[n]) + 3:]
notbase = True
for n in range(len(base)):
if numin.startswith(base[n] + u"vol"):
outoct += (n+1) * 10
outdec += (n+1) * 8
numin = numin[len(base[n]) + 3:]
notbase = True
if numin.startswith(base[n] + u"vo"):
outoct += (n+1) * 10
outdec += (n+1) * 8
numin = numin[len(base[n]) + 2:]
for n in range(len(rem)):
if u"ve" in posts:
if numin == remord[n]:
outoct += n + 1
outdec += n + 1
numin = u""
if numin == rem[n]:
outoct += n + 1
outdec += n + 1
numin = u""
notbase = True
if notbase:
for n in range(len(rem)):
if u"ve" in posts:
if numin == remord[n]:
outoct += n + 1
outdec += n + 1
numin = u""
if numin == rem[n]:
outoct += n + 1
outdec += n + 1
numin = u""
if numin == u"":
ret["word"]["navi"] = unicode(outdec) if not u"ve" in posts else unicode(outdec) + u"."
ret["dec"] = outdec
23,6 → 23,7
import parse
import dbconnector
brokenwords = ((u"to", u"than"), (u"tawtute", u"skyperson"), (u"na'vi", u"The People")) # words not in EE
infixes1 = ((u"awn", u"P.PART"), (u"eyk", u"CAUS"), (u"us", u"A.PART"), (u"äp", u"REFL."))
infixes2 = ((u"ìyev", u"FUT.SUBJ"), (u"iyev", u"FUT.SUBJ"), (u"ìmìy", u"REC.PAST.REC.FUT"), (u"arm", u"IMPF.PAST"), (u"asy", u"FUT.D"), (u"ilv", u"PRES.PER.SUBJ"), (u"ìmv", u"REC.PAST.SUBJ"), (u"imv", u"PAST.SUBJ"), (u"ìrm", u"IMPF.REC.PAST"), (u"irv", u"PRES.IMPF.SUBJ"), (u"ìsy", u"IMM.FUT.D"), (u"aly", u"PERF.FUT"), (u"ary", u"IMPF.FUT"), (u"ìly", u"PERF.IMM.FUT"), (u"ìry", u"IMPF.IMM.FUT"), (u"ìlm", u"PERF.REC.PAST"), (u"alm", u"PERF.PAST"), (u"am", u"PAST."), (u"ay", u"FUT."), (u"er", u"IMPF."), (u"ìm", u"REC.PAST"), (u"iv", u"SUBJ."), (u"ìy", u"IMM.FUT"), (u"ol", u"PERF."))
infixes3 = ((u"äng", u"PEJ."), (u"ats", u"INFR."), (u"eiy", u"LAUD."), (u"ei", u"LAUD."), (u"uy", u"HON."))
33,10 → 34,15
def translatesent(sent, lang):
sent = parse.parsesent(sent)
for word in sent:
word["translated"] = ""
if word["word"]["id"] != 0:
word["translated"] = dbconnector.translate(word["word"]["id"],lang)
word["translated"] = word["word"]["navi"]
for brokenword in brokenwords:
if brokenword[0] == word["word"]["navi"]:
word["translated"] = brokenword[1]
if word["translated"] == u"":
word["translated"] = word["word"]["navi"]
if word["inf"][0] != u"":
for fix in infixes1:
if fix[0] == word["inf"][0]:
49,12 → 55,12
for fix in infixes3:
if fix[0] == word["inf"][2]:
word["translated"] += '-' + fix[1]
for temp in word["pref"]: # double array? WTF?
for temp in word["pref"]:
for navf in temp:
for fix in prefixes:
if fix[0] == navf:
word["translated"] += '-' + fix[1]
for temp in word["post"]: # double array? WTF?
for temp in word["post"]:
for navf in temp:
for fix in postfixes:
if fix[0] == navf:
58,14 → 58,6
def get(self):
class TestDB(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
lis = dbconnector.getnavilist()
text = u"id | navi | infix | partofspeech<br />"
text += u"<br />".join(u" | ".join(unicode(y) for y in x) for x in lis)
class Parse(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
self.render("templates/parse.html", last="", out=None)
99,7 → 91,6
("/", Index),
("/number", Number),
("/restart", Restart),
("/testdb", TestDB),
("/parse", Parse),
("/translate", Translate)
], **settings)