Subversion Repositories navi

Compare Revisions

Ignore whitespace Rev 283 → Rev 295

49,7 → 49,7
<td>{{ u"; ".join(u", ".join(x) for x in wor["post"]) }}</td>
<td>{{ u"; ".join(u", ".join([y[0] for y in x]) for x in wor["post"]) }}</td>
58,7 → 58,7
{% end %}
{% end %}
<p>This program uses Eana Eltu for the list of words, affixes, and infix position data, created by Tuiq, Taronyu, and Tirea Aean. Thanks also go to the rest of the Learn Na'vi community!</p>
<p>This program uses Eana Eltu for the list of words, affixes, and infix position data, created by Tuiq, Taronyu, Seze, Mark Miller, Tìtstewan, and Tirea Aean. Thanks also go to the rest of the Learn Na'vi community!</p>
<script type="text/javascript">
29,13 → 29,19
<form action="/translate" method="post">
<input id="word" name="word" type="text" value="{{last}}" style="width: 100%;" />
<select name="lang" id="lang">
<option value="eng" selected="selected">English</option>
<option value="en" selected="selected">English</option>
<option value="hu">Hungarian - Magyar</option>
<option value="de">German - Deutsch</option>
<option value="est">Estonian - Eesti</option>
<option value="ptbr">Brazilian Portuguese - Português do Brasil</option>
<option value="et">Estonian - Eesti</option>
<option value="pt">Brazilian Portuguese - Português do Brasil</option>
<option value="sv">Swedish - Svenska</option>
<option value="nl">Dutch - Nederlands</option>
<option value="es">Spanish - Español</option>
<option value="fr">French - Français</option>
<option value="pl">Polish - Polski</option>
<option value="ru">Russian - Русский</option>
<option value="tr">Turkish - Türkçe</option>
<option value="uk">Ukrainian - Українська</option>
<input name="btn" type="submit" value="Translate!" />
60,7 → 66,7
<td>{{ u"; ".join(u", ".join(x) for x in wor["post"]) }}</td>
<td>{{ u"; ".join(u", ".join([y[0] for y in x]) for x in wor["post"]) }}</td>
69,11 → 75,11
{% end %}
{% end %}
<p>This program uses Eana Eltu for the list of words, affixes, and infix position data, created by Tuiq, Taronyu, and Tirea Aean. Thanks also go to the rest of the Learn Na'vi community!</p>
<p>This program uses Eana Eltu for the list of words, affixes, and infix position data, created by Tuiq, Taronyu, Seze, Mark Miller, Tìtstewan, and Tirea Aean. Thanks also go to the rest of the Learn Na'vi community!</p>
<script type="text/javascript">
{% if lang != "eng" %}
{% if lang != "en" %}
<script type="text/javascript">
if("{{ lang }}" == "hu"){
document.getElementById("lang").selectedIndex = 1
81,10 → 87,10
if("{{ lang }}" == "de"){
document.getElementById("lang").selectedIndex = 2
if("{{ lang }}" == "est"){
if("{{ lang }}" == "et"){
document.getElementById("lang").selectedIndex = 3
if("{{ lang }}" == "ptbr"){
if("{{ lang }}" == "pt"){
document.getElementById("lang").selectedIndex = 4
if("{{ lang }}" == "sv"){
93,6 → 99,24
if("{{ lang }}" == "nl"){
document.getElementById("lang").selectedIndex = 6
if("{{ lang }}" == "es"){
document.getElementById("lang").selectedIndex = 7
if("{{ lang }}" == "fr"){
document.getElementById("lang").selectedIndex = 8
if("{{ lang }}" == "pl"){
document.getElementById("lang").selectedIndex = 9
if("{{ lang }}" == "ru"){
document.getElementById("lang").selectedIndex = 10
if("{{ lang }}" == "tr"){
document.getElementById("lang").selectedIndex = 11
if("{{ lang }}" == "uk"){
document.getElementById("lang").selectedIndex = 12
{% end %}
{% end %}
67,7 → 67,7
class Translate(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
self.render("templates/translate.html", last="", out=None, lang="eng")
self.render("templates/translate.html", last="", out=None, lang="en")
def post(self):
101,7 → 101,8
("/number", Number),
("/restart", Restart),
("/parse", Parse),
("/translate", Translate)
("/translate", Translate),
("/(\\.well-known/.*)", tornado.web.StaticFileHandler, dict(path=settings["static_path"]))
], **settings)
if __name__ == "__main__":
34,18 → 34,19
(u"sami", u"si", u"", u"am", u"", (()), (()), False),
(u"to", u"to", u"", u"", u"", (()), (()), False),
#(u"frato", u"to", u"", u"", u"", [[u"fra"]], (()), False),
(u"soaiä", u"soaia", u"", u"", u"", (()), [[u"ä"]], False),
(u"soaiä", u"soaia", u"", u"", u"", (()), [[(u"ä", None)]], False),
(u"mengenga", u"ngenga", u"", u"", u"", [[u"me"]], (()), False),
(u"pxengenga", u"ngenga", u"", u"", u"", [[u"pxe"]], (()), False),
(u"kìmä", u"kä", u"", u"ìm", u"", (()), (()), False),
(u"apxay", u"pxay", u"", u"", u"", [[u"a"]], (()), False),
(u"akawng", u"kawng", u"", u"", u"", [[u"a"]], (()), False), # TODO remember why on earth this is needed; how is awng interpreted as awnga?
(u"kawnga", u"kawng", u"", u"", u"", (()), [[u"a"]], False),
(u"kawng", u"kawng", u"", u"", u"", (()), (()), False),
#(u"akawng", u"kawng", u"", u"", u"", [[u"a"]], (()), False),
#(u"kawnga", u"kawng", u"", u"", u"", (()), [[(u"a", None)]], False),
#(u"kawng", u"kawng", u"", u"", u"", (()), (()), False),
(u"ka", u"ka", u"", u"", u"", (()), (()), False),
(u"uo", u"uo", u"", u"", u"", (()), (()), False),
(u"sìk", u"sìk", u"", u"", u"", (()), (()), False),
(u"sim", u"sim", u"", u"", u"", (()), (()), False) # probably not tsim lenited
(u"sim", u"sim", u"", u"", u"", (()), (()), False), # probably not tsim lenited
(u"tse", u"tse", u"", u"", u"", (()), (()), False),
#INFIXES1 = (u"awn", u"eyk", u"us", u"äp", u"")
57,10 → 58,33
#prefixesn = ur"(?P<npr>(?:(?:fì|tsa)?(?:me|pxe|ay|fra)?|(?:fay)?|(?:tsay)?)(?:fne)?(?:tì|sä)?"
#prefixesv = ur"(?P<vpr>(?:nì|sä|tì|rä'ä |ke )?)"
EXTRAADP = ("to", "sì") # words that act like adpositions but technically aren't
{"id": "-1", "navi": "eiy", "gloss": "LAUD.", "position": 2},
{"id": "-2", "navi": "eng", "gloss": "PEJ.", "position": 2},
{"id": "-3", "navi": "eyä", "gloss": "GEN."},
EXTRAADP = (("to", [x["id"] for x in wordlist if x["navi"] == "to"][0]), ("sì", [x["id"] for x in wordlist if x["navi"] == "sì"][0])) # words that act like adpositions but technically aren't
LENIT = ((u"px", u"p"), (u"tx", u"t"), (u"kx", u"k"), (u"ts", u"s"), (u"t", u"s"), (u"p", u"f"), (u"k", u"h"), (u"'", u""))
# Let's lenit the prefixes
extraprefixes = []
for prefix in prefixes:
for letter, replacement in LENIT:
if prefix["navi"].startswith(letter):
new_prefix = prefix["navi"].replace(letter, replacement, 1)
if not [x for x in prefixes if x["navi"] == new_prefix]: # always assume a dictionary word over a lenited prefix
extraprefixes.append({"id": prefix["id"], "navi": new_prefix, "gloss": prefix["gloss"] + ".LENTD"})
prefixes = sorted(prefixes + extraprefixes, key=lambda x: len(x["navi"]), reverse=True)
infixes = sorted(infixes + EXTRAINFIXES, key=lambda x: len(x["navi"]), reverse=True)
postfixes = sorted(postfixes + EXTRAPOSTFIXES, key=lambda x: len(x["navi"]), reverse=True)
def parseword(wordin):
tempid = 0
temptype = u""
89,7 → 113,7
center = u""
if u"<1>" in splitword[wor]:
if u"<0>" in splitword[wor]:
tempin1 = []
tempin2 = []
tempin3 = []
105,8 → 129,8
for in1 in tempin1:
for in2 in tempin2:
for in3 in tempin3:
if splitword[wor].replace(u"<1><2>", in1 + in2).replace(u"<3>", in3).replace(u"lll", u"l").replace(u"rrr", u"r") in wordin[wor]:
center = splitword[wor].replace(u"<1><2>", in1 + in2).replace(u"<3>", in3).replace(u"lll", u"l").replace(u"rrr", u"r")
if splitword[wor].replace(u"<0><1>", in1 + in2).replace(u"<2>", in3).replace(u"lll", u"l").replace(u"rrr", u"r") in wordin[wor]:
center = splitword[wor].replace(u"<0><1>", in1 + in2).replace(u"<2>", in3).replace(u"lll", u"l").replace(u"rrr", u"r")
foundins = [in1, in2, in3]
if center != u"":
126,21 → 150,41
center = temp
if center == u"":
if splitword[wor].endswith(u"nga"):
temp = splitword[wor][:-3] + u"ng"
temp = splitword[wor][:-3] + u"nge"
if temp in wordin[wor]:
center = temp
if splitword[wor].endswith(u"fo"):
temp = splitword[wor][:-2] + u"f"
temp = splitword[wor][:-2] + u"fe"
if temp in wordin[wor]:
center = temp
if splitword[wor].endswith(u"po"):
temp = splitword[wor][:-2] + u"p"
temp = splitword[wor][:-2] + u"pe"
if temp in wordin[wor]:
center = temp
if splitword[wor].endswith(u"tsa"):
temp = splitword[wor][:-3] + u"ts"
temp = splitword[wor][:-3] + u"tse"
if temp in wordin[wor]:
center = temp
if splitword[wor].endswith(u"fko"):
temp = splitword[wor][:-3] + u"fke"
if temp in wordin[wor]:
center = temp
if splitword[wor].endswith(u"sa'u"):
temp = splitword[wor][:-4] + u"se"
if temp in wordin[wor]:
center = temp
if splitword[wor].endswith(u"sa"):
temp = splitword[wor][:-2] + u"se"
if temp in wordin[wor]:
center = temp
if splitword[wor].endswith(u"sno"):
temp = splitword[wor][:-3] + u"sne"
if temp in wordin[wor]:
center = temp
if splitword[wor].endswith(u"ayla"):
temp = splitword[wor][:-3] + u"ayle"
if temp in wordin[wor]:
center = temp
if center == u"":
foundit = False
167,13 → 211,13
last = u""
while last != posf:
last = posf
for pos in [x["navi"] for x in postfixes] + [x["navi"] for x in wordlist if x["type"] == "adp."] + list(EXTRAADP):
for pos, posid in sorted([(x["navi"], None) for x in postfixes] + [(x["navi"], x["id"]) for x in wordlist if x["type"] == "adp."] + list(EXTRAADP), key=lambda x: len(x[0]), reverse=True):
if posf != u"":
if posf.startswith(pos):
if pos in foundposts[wor]:
if (pos, posid) in foundposts[wor]:
if pos != u"ä" or word["navi"] != u"pey": # XXX HACK - fix for peyä. THIS SHOULD NOT BE HERE!
foundposts[wor].append((pos, posid))
posf = posf[len(pos):]
33,10 → 33,10
WHERE partOfSpeech <> 'num.' AND partOfSpeech <> 'prefix' AND partOfSpeech <> 'affix'
for row in cur:
if row["infixes"]:
ret.append({"id": row["id"], "navi": row["navi"], "infix": row["infixes"].lower(), "type": row["partOfSpeech"]})
if row["infixes"] and row["infixes"] != "NULL": # yeah seriously
ret.append({"id": row["id"], "navi": row["navi"].replace("+", "").replace("-", ""), "infix": row["infixes"].lower(), "type": row["partOfSpeech"]})
ret.append({"id": row["id"], "navi": row["navi"], "infix": row["navi"].lower(), "type": row["partOfSpeech"]})
ret.append({"id": row["id"], "navi": row["navi"].replace("+", "").replace("-", ""), "infix": row["navi"].replace("+", "").replace("-", "").lower(), "type": row["partOfSpeech"]})
return ret
50,17 → 50,24
FROM `metaInfixes`
for row in cur:
endfix = False
if row["navi"] and row["navi"][0] == "-":
ret[2].append({"id": row["id"], "navi": row["navi"].replace("-", ""), "gloss": row["shorthand"].upper()})
elif row["navi"] and row["navi"][-1] in ("-", "+"):
ret[0].append({"id": row["id"], "navi": row["navi"].replace("-", ""), "gloss": row["shorthand"].upper()})
if not row["position"]:
endfix = True
if row["navi"] and row["navi"][-1] in ("-", "+"):
ret[0].append({"id": row["id"], "navi": row["navi"].replace("-", "").replace("+", ""), "gloss": row["shorthand"].upper()})
endfix = True
if not endfix:
if not row["position"] or row["position"] == "NULL":
# not actually an affix
ret[1].append({"id": row["id"], "navi": row["navi"].replace("-", ""), "gloss": row["shorthand"].upper(), "position": int(row["position"])})
ret[1].append({"id": row["id"], "navi": row["navi"], "gloss": row["shorthand"].upper(), "position": int(row["position"])})
for subret in ret:
subret.sort(key=lambda x: len(x["navi"]), reverse=True)
return ret
def translate(wid, language):
31,8 → 31,6
#ADPOSITIONS = ((u"mungwrr", u"except"), (u"kxamlä", u"through"), (u"pximaw", u"right.after"), (u"pxisre", u"right.before"), (u"tafkip", u"from.up.among"), (u"nemfa", u"into.inside"), (u"takip", u"from among"), (u"mìkam", u"between"), (u"teri", u"about.concerning"), (u"fkip", u"up.among"), (u"luke", u"without"), (u"pxel", u""), (u"pxaw", u"around"), (u"rofa", u"beside.alongside"), (u"ìlä", u"by.via.following"), (u"fpi", u"for.the.sake/benefit.of"), (u"ftu", u"from.direction"), (u"kip", u"among"), (u"lok", u""), (u"maw", u"after.time"), (u"sre", u"before.time"), (u"sìn", u"on.onto"), (u"vay", u""), (u"eo", u""), (u"fa", u""), (u"hu", u"with.accompaniment"), (u"io", u"above"), (u"ka", u"across"), (u"mì", u"in.on"), (u"na", u""), (u"ne", u"to.towards"), (u"ro", u"at.locative"), (u"ta", u"from"), (u"uo", u"behind"), (u"wä", u"against.opposition"), (u"äo", u"below"), (u"to", u"than"), (u"sì", u"and"))
#POSTFIXES = ADPOSITIONS + ((u"tsyìp", u"DIM."), (u"eyä", u"GEN."), (u"ìri", u"TOP."), (u"ari", u"TOP."), (u"ayä", u"GEN."), (u"aru", u"DAT."), (u"ati", u"ACC."), (u"ay", u"GEN."), (u"ìl", u"ERG."), (u"it", u"ACC"), (u"lo", u"MULT."), (u"ri", u"TOP."), (u"ru", u"DAT."), (u"ti", u"ACC."), (u"ur", u"DAT."), (u"ve", u"ORD."), (u"yä", u"GEN."), (u"ya", u"VOC."), (u"tu", u"OBJD."), (u"vi", u"PART."), (u"yu", u"AGENTD."), (u"an", u"MASC."), (u"ng", u"INCL."), (u"ke", u"not"), (u"al", u"ERG."), (u"at", u"ACC."), (u"ar", u"DAT."), (u"ey", u"GEN."), (u"e", u"FEM."), (u"o", u"INDEF."), (u"l", u"ERG."), (u"t", u"ACC."), (u"y", u"GEN."), (u"a", u"ADJ.PRE"), (u"ä", u"GEN."), (u"r", u"DAT."))
prefixes, infixes, postfixes = dbconnector.getaffixlists()
def translatesent(sent, lang):
sent = parse.parsesent(sent)
for word in sent:
46,31 → 44,31
if word["translated"] == u"":
word["translated"] = word["word"]["navi"]
if word["inf"][0] != u"":
for fix in [(x["navi"], x["gloss"]) for x in infixes if x["position"] == 0]:
for fix in [(x["navi"], x["gloss"]) for x in parse.infixes if x["position"] == 0]:
if fix[0] == word["inf"][0]:
word["translated"] += '-' + fix[1]
if word["inf"][1] != u"":
for fix in [(x["navi"], x["gloss"]) for x in infixes if x["position"] == 1]:
for fix in [(x["navi"], x["gloss"]) for x in parse.infixes if x["position"] == 1]:
if fix[0] == word["inf"][1]:
word["translated"] += '-' + fix[1]
if word["inf"][2] != u"":
for fix in [(x["navi"], x["gloss"]) for x in infixes if x["position"] == 2]:
for fix in [(x["navi"], x["gloss"]) for x in parse.infixes if x["position"] == 2]:
if fix[0] == word["inf"][2]:
word["translated"] += '-' + fix[1]
for temp in word["pref"]:
for navf in temp:
for fix in [(x["navi"], x["gloss"]) for x in prefixes]:
for fix in [(x["navi"], x["gloss"]) for x in parse.prefixes]:
if fix[0] == navf:
word["translated"] += '-' + fix[1]
for temp in word["post"]:
for navf in temp:
for fix in [(x["navi"], x["gloss"]) for x in postfixes]:
for navf, navfid in temp:
for fix in [(x["navi"], x["gloss"]) for x in parse.postfixes]:
if fix[0] == navf:
word["translated"] += '-' + fix[1]
# adpositions and the like
word["translated"] += "-" + dbconnector.translate(navf, lang)
word["translated"] += "-" + dbconnector.translate(navfid, lang)
if word["len"]:
word["translated"] += '-' + 'LENTD'
return sent
78,15 → 78,15
numin = numin[1:]
if numin[len(numin) - 1] == u"a":
posts.append((u"a", None))
numin = numin[:-1]
if numin[-2:] == u"ve":
posts.append((u"ve", None))
numin = numin[:-2]
#BASE numbers
for n in range(len(NUM)):
if u"ve" in posts:
if (u"ve", None) in posts:
if numin == NUMORD[n]:
outoct = n
outdec = n
153,7 → 153,7
notbase = True
if notbase:
for n in range(len(REM)):
if u"ve" in posts:
if (u"ve", None) in posts:
if numin == REMORD[n]:
outoct += n + 1
outdec += n + 1
164,7 → 164,7
outdec += n + 1
numin = u""
if numin == u"":
ret["word"]["navi"] = str(outdec) if not u"ve" in posts else str(outdec) + u"."
ret["word"]["navi"] = str(outdec) if not (u"ve", None) in posts else str(outdec) + u"."
ret["dec"] = outdec
ret["oct"] = outoct
return ret
64,9 → 64,9
c = self.connection
if (cmd.split(" ")[0] == "tr") or (cmd.split(" ")[0] == "translate"):
lang = "eng"
lang = "en"
if len(cmd.split(" ")) > 1 and cmd.split(" ")[1].startswith("-"):
if cmd.split(" ")[1][1:] in ("hu", "de", "ptbr", "est", "sv", "nl"):
if cmd.split(" ")[1][1:] in ("hu", "de", "pt", "et", "sv", "nl", "es", "fr", "pl", "ru", "tr", "uk"):
lang = cmd.split(" ")[1][1:]
sent = " ".join(cmd.split(" ")[2:])
0,0 → 1,3
This is a Discord bot for TsimApiak.
To use it you have to put the tsimapiak directory inside this dir, and run
0,0 → 1,60
#! /usr/bin/env python
# This file is part of Tsim Apiak.
# Tsim Apiak is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the Licence, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# In addition to this, you must also comply with clause 4 of the
# Apache Licence, version 2.0, concerning attribution. Where there
# is a contradiction between the two licences, the GPL
# takes preference.
# Tsim Apiak is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Tsim Apiak. If not, see <>.#
import os
import discord
import dotenv
from typing import Optional
from tsimapiak import translate
intents = discord.Intents.default()
client = discord.Client(intents=intents)
tree = discord.app_commands.CommandTree(client)
async def on_ready():
print(f"{client.user} Connected to discord")
await tree.sync()
description="Translate (gloss) Na'vi to English"
async def on_translate(interaction: discord.Interaction, argument: str, language: Optional[str]):
if not language:
language = "en"
translated = []
for word in translate.translatesent(argument, language):
await interaction.response.send_message(argument + "\n" + " | ".join(translated))
def main():
TOKEN = os.getenv('DISCORD_TOKEN')
if __name__ == "__main__":
Property changes:
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: cliapp/
--- cliapp/ (revision 283)
+++ cliapp/ (revision 295)
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
line = line.decode("iso-8859-1")
translated = []
- for word in translate.translatesent(line, "eng"):
+ for word in translate.translatesent(line, "en"):
translated = " | ".join(translated)
print translated