Subversion Repositories navi

Compare Revisions

Ignore whitespace Rev 289 → Rev 291

36,7 → 36,7
if row["infixes"] and row["infixes"] != "NULL": # yeah seriously
ret.append({"id": row["id"], "navi": row["navi"].replace("+", "").replace("-", ""), "infix": row["infixes"].lower(), "type": row["partOfSpeech"]})
ret.append({"id": row["id"], "navi": row["navi"].replace("+", "").replace("-", ""), "infix": row["navi"].lower(), "type": row["partOfSpeech"]})
ret.append({"id": row["id"], "navi": row["navi"].replace("+", "").replace("-", ""), "infix": row["navi"].replace("+", "").replace("-", "").lower(), "type": row["partOfSpeech"]})
return ret
39,9 → 39,9
(u"pxengenga", u"ngenga", u"", u"", u"", [[u"pxe"]], (()), False),
(u"kìmä", u"kä", u"", u"ìm", u"", (()), (()), False),
(u"apxay", u"pxay", u"", u"", u"", [[u"a"]], (()), False),
(u"akawng", u"kawng", u"", u"", u"", [[u"a"]], (()), False),
(u"kawnga", u"kawng", u"", u"", u"", (()), [[(u"a", None)]], False),
(u"kawng", u"kawng", u"", u"", u"", (()), (()), False),
#(u"akawng", u"kawng", u"", u"", u"", [[u"a"]], (()), False),
#(u"kawnga", u"kawng", u"", u"", u"", (()), [[(u"a", None)]], False),
#(u"kawng", u"kawng", u"", u"", u"", (()), (()), False),
(u"ka", u"ka", u"", u"", u"", (()), (()), False),
(u"uo", u"uo", u"", u"", u"", (()), (()), False),
(u"sìk", u"sìk", u"", u"", u"", (()), (()), False),
57,6 → 57,15
#prefixesn = ur"(?P<npr>(?:(?:fì|tsa)?(?:me|pxe|ay|fra)?|(?:fay)?|(?:tsay)?)(?:fne)?(?:tì|sä)?"
#prefixesv = ur"(?P<vpr>(?:nì|sä|tì|rä'ä |ke )?)"
{"id": "-1", "navi": "eiy", "gloss": "LAUD.", "position": 2},
{"id": "-2", "navi": "eng", "gloss": "PEJ.", "position": 2},
{"id": "-3", "navi": "eyä", "gloss": "GEN."},
EXTRAADP = (("to", [x["id"] for x in wordlist if x["navi"] == "to"][0]), ("sì", [x["id"] for x in wordlist if x["navi"] == "sì"][0])) # words that act like adpositions but technically aren't
LENIT = ((u"px", u"p"), (u"tx", u"t"), (u"kx", u"k"), (u"ts", u"s"), (u"t", u"s"), (u"p", u"f"), (u"k", u"h"), (u"'", u""))
66,10 → 75,14
for prefix in prefixes:
for letter, replacement in LENIT:
if prefix["navi"].startswith(letter):
extraprefixes.append({"id": prefix["id"], "navi": prefix["navi"].replace(letter, replacement, 1), "gloss": prefix["gloss"] + ".LENTD"})
new_prefix = prefix["navi"].replace(letter, replacement, 1)
if not [x for x in prefixes if x["navi"] == new_prefix]: # always assume a dictionary word over a lenited prefix
extraprefixes.append({"id": prefix["id"], "navi": new_prefix, "gloss": prefix["gloss"] + ".LENTD"})
prefixes = sorted(prefixes + extraprefixes, key=lambda x: len(x["navi"]), reverse=True)
infixes = sorted(infixes + EXTRAINFIXES, key=lambda x: len(x["navi"]), reverse=True)
postfixes = sorted(postfixes + EXTRAPOSTFIXES, key=lambda x: len(x["navi"]), reverse=True)
def parseword(wordin):
tempid = 0
136,21 → 149,45
center = temp
if center == u"":
if splitword[wor].endswith(u"nga"):
temp = splitword[wor][:-3] + u"ng"
temp = splitword[wor][:-3] + u"nge"
if temp in wordin[wor]:
center = temp
if splitword[wor].endswith(u"fo"):
temp = splitword[wor][:-2] + u"f"
temp = splitword[wor][:-2] + u"fe"
if temp in wordin[wor]:
center = temp
if splitword[wor].endswith(u"po"):
temp = splitword[wor][:-2] + u"p"
temp = splitword[wor][:-2] + u"pe"
if temp in wordin[wor]:
center = temp
if splitword[wor].endswith(u"tsa"):
temp = splitword[wor][:-3] + u"ts"
temp = splitword[wor][:-3] + u"tse"
if temp in wordin[wor]:
center = temp
if splitword[wor].endswith(u"fko"):
temp = splitword[wor][:-3] + u"fke"
if temp in wordin[wor]:
center = temp
if splitword[wor].endswith(u"tsa'u"):
temp = splitword[wor][:-5] + u"tse"
if temp in wordin[wor]:
center = temp
if splitword[wor].endswith(u"sa'u"):
temp = splitword[wor][:-4] + u"se"
if temp in wordin[wor]:
center = temp
if splitword[wor].endswith(u"sa"):
temp = splitword[wor][:-2] + u"se"
if temp in wordin[wor]:
center = temp
if splitword[wor].endswith(u"sno"):
temp = splitword[wor][:-3] + u"sne"
if temp in wordin[wor]:
center = temp
if splitword[wor].endswith(u"ayla"):
temp = splitword[wor][:-3] + u"ayle"
if temp in wordin[wor]:
center = temp
if center == u"":
foundit = False