Subversion Repositories taios

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Ignore whitespace Rev 466 → Rev 475

File deleted
File deleted
File deleted
File deleted
30,10 → 30,18
$id = $ids[$i];
$post = $page->getBlogPost($id);
$comment_count = 0;
$ids2 = $page->findIDs('BlogPosts', 'WHERE ParentID=' . $id);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($ids2); $i++)
write('<a href="post.php?id=' . $id . '"><h3>' . $post->title. '</h3></a>');
write('<h5 style="color: #666666;">Posted On ' . date('l j F Y', $post->datePosted) . ' by ' . $post->user->name . ' (' . $post->user->username . ')</h5>');
write('<p>' . $page->replaceBBCode($post->content) . '</p>');
write('<h5 style="color: #666666;">' . $comment_count . ' Comments</h5>');
write('<br />');
40,7 → 40,7
if ($page->getLoggedInUser()->accessID >= 2 && $parentID == -1)
if (($page->getLoggedInUser()->accessID >= 2 && $parentID == -1) || $page->getLoggedInUser()->accessID > 2)
$page->drawError('You do not have permission to access this page.');
7,7 → 7,7
$id = $_GET['id'];
if ($id)
if ($page->isUserAdmin($page->getLoggedInUser()) || $page->getLoggedInUser()->ID == $page->getBlogPost($id)->author->ID)
if ($page->isUserAdmin($page->getLoggedInUser()) || $page->getLoggedInUser()->ID == $page->getBlogPost($id)->author->ID && $page->isUserNormal($page->getLoggedInUser()))
20,7 → 20,7
$post = $page->getBlogPost($id);
if (!$page->isUserAdmin($page->getLoggedInUser()) && $page->getLoggedInUser()->ID != $post->author->ID)
if ((!$page->isUserAdmin($page->getLoggedInUser()) && $page->getLoggedInUser()->ID != $post->author->ID) || !$page->isUserNormal($page->getLoggedInUser()))
$page->drawError('You do not have permission to access this page.');
50,11 → 50,19
$this->drawMenuItem('Wiki', 'wiki/');
$this->drawMenuItem('Photos', 'photos/');
write('<br />');
if ($this->isLoggedIn())
if ($this->isLoggedIn() && $this->isUserNormal($this->getLoggedInUser()))
$this->drawMenuItem('Administration', 'admin/');
$this->drawMenuItem('Logout', 'logout-do.php');
else if ($this->isLoggedIn())
$this->drawMenuItem('Logout', 'logout-do.php');
if ($this->getLoggedInUser()->username != "cake")
$this->drawMenuItem('You are banned', NULL);
$this->drawMenuItem('<span style="color:#032865">#undefined</span>', '/challenge/cakefolder');
$this->drawMenuItem('Login', 'login.php');
61,7 → 69,6
$this->drawMenuItem('Register', 'register.php');
write('<br />');
$this->drawnHeader = true;
68,7 → 75,14
function drawMenuItem($t, $u)
write('<p><a href="' . $this->url . $u . '">' . $t . '</a></p>');
if($u == NULL)
write('<p style="color:red">' . $t . '</p>');
write('<p><a href="' . $this->url . $u . '">' . $t . '</a></p>');
function drawMiddle()
300,6 → 314,19
return false;
function isUserBanned()
if ($this->isLoggedIn())
if ($this->getLoggedInUser()->accessID >= 3)
return true;
return false;
function checkChallengeStatus($challengeID, $previous, $next)
$currentChallengeID = $this->getLoggedInUser()->challengeID;
13,7 → 13,7
$name = $_POST['name'];
$user = $page->getUserByID($userID);
if (($page->getLoggedInUser()->ID == $userID || $page->isUserAdmin($page->getLoggedInUser())) && $user)
if (($page->getLoggedInUser()->ID == $userID || $page->isUserAdmin($page->getLoggedInUser())) && $user && $page->isUserNormal($page->getLoggedInUser()))
if (isset($accessID) && $page->isUserAdmin($page->getLoggedInUser()))
11,7 → 11,7
$userID = $page->getGetID();
$user = $page->getUserByID($userID);
if (($page->getLoggedInUser()->ID == $userID || $page->isUserAdmin($page->getLoggedInUser())) && $user)
if (($page->getLoggedInUser()->ID == $userID || $page->isUserAdmin($page->getLoggedInUser())) && $user && $page->isUserNormal($page->getLoggedInUser()))
9,7 → 9,14
$user = $page->getLoggedInUser();
write('<h4><a href="account.php?id=' . $user->ID. '">Manage Account</a></h4>');
if ($page->isUserNormal($user))
write('<h4><a href="account.php?id=' . $user->ID. '">Manage Account</a></h4>');
$page->drawError('You do not have permission to access this page.');
if ($page->isUserAdmin($user))
20,6 → 20,11
$title = $_POST['title'];
$content = $_POST['content'];
if (!$page->isUserNormal($page->getLoggedInUser()))
$page->redirect('add-post.php?error=You do not have permission to access this page');
if (empty($title))
$page->redirect('add-post.php?error=No Title Specified');
20,7 → 20,7
$categoryID = -1;
if ($page->isLoggedIn())
if ($page->isLoggedIn() && $page->isUserNormal($page->getLoggedInUser))
if (isset($_GET['error']))
9,7 → 9,7
$id = $page->getGetID();
$post = $page->getForumPost($id);
if (($page->isUserAdmin($page->getLoggedInUser()) || $post->author->ID == $page->getLoggedInUser()->ID) && $post)
if (($page->isUserAdmin($page->getLoggedInUser()) || $post->author->ID == $page->getLoggedInUser()->ID) && $post && $page->isUserNormal($page->getLoggedInUser()))
$page->query('DELETE FROM ForumPosts WHERE ID = ' . $id);
24,7 → 24,7
write('<a href="index.php?parentID=-1">Back to root</a>');
if ($page->isLoggedIn())
if ($page->isLoggedIn() && $page->isUserNormal($page->getLoggedInUser()))
if ($parentID != -1)
File deleted
Property changes:
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property