Subversion Repositories taios

Compare Revisions

Ignore whitespace Rev 471 → Rev 485

0,0 → 1,68
require '../_taios.php';
$page = new Taios_Page('Nowify', '../');
if (isset($_GET['id']))
$id = $_GET['id'];
else if (isset($_POST['id']))
$id = $_POST['id'];
$page->drawError('No ID set.');
$post = $page->getBlogPost($id);
if ((!$page->isUserAdmin($page->getLoggedInUser()) && $page->getLoggedInUser()->ID != $post->author->ID) || !$page->isUserNormal($page->getLoggedInUser()))
$page->drawError('You do not have permission to access this page.');
$error = '';
if (isset($_POST['id']))
$title = $_POST['title'];
$page->query('UPDATE BlogPosts SET DatePosted = NOW() WHERE ID = "' . $id . '"');
$page->redirect('/blog/post.php?id=' . $id);
if (!empty($error))
$page->drawError($error, false);
<form action="nowify.php" method="post">
Press Sumbit if you wish to nowify post <?php echo $post->title; ?>.<br /><br />
write('<input type="hidden" name="id" value="' . $id . '" />');
<td class="bold"></td>
<td><input type="submit" value="Submit" /></td>
17,22 → 17,22
if (isset($accessID) && $page->isUserAdmin($page->getLoggedInUser()))
$page->query('UPDATE Users SET AccessID = "' . $accessID . '" WHERE ID = ' . $userID);
$page->query('UPDATE Users SET AccessID = "' . $accessID . '" WHERE ID = "' . $userID . '"');
if (!empty($password))
$page->query('UPDATE Users SET Password = "' . sha1($password) . '" WHERE ID = ' . $userID);
$page->query('UPDATE Users SET Password = "' . sha1($password) . '" WHERE ID = "' . $userID . '"');
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$page->query('UPDATE Users SET EmailAddress = "' . $email . '" WHERE ID = ' . $userID);
$page->query('UPDATE Users SET EmailAddress = "' . $email . '" WHERE ID = "' . $userID . '"');
if (!empty($name))
$page->query('UPDATE Users SET Name = "' . $name . '" WHERE ID = ' . $userID);
$page->query('UPDATE Users SET Name = "' . $name . '" WHERE ID = "' . $userID . '"');
44,7 → 44,7
write('<td><a href="account.php?id=' . $post->author->ID . '">' . $post->author->name . '</a></td>');
write('<td>' . $post->title . '</td>');
write('<td>' . str_replace("\n", '<br />', $post->content) . '</td>');
write('<td>' . date('j/m/Y H:i', $post->datePosted) . '</td>');
write('<td>' . date('j/m/Y H:i', $post->datePosted) . ' <a href="nowify.php?id=' . $post->ID . '">Nowify</a></td>');
write('<td>' . $post->category . '</td>');
write('<td>' . $post->spam . '</td>');
22,7 → 22,7
write('<h3>' . $project->title . '</h3>');
write('<table style="border: 0px;">');
write('<td style="border: 0px; vertical-align: top;"><img class="smiley" src="' . $project->logoURL . '" /></td>');
write('<td style="border: 0px; vertical-align: top;"><img class="smiley" src="' . $project->logoURL . '" alt="' . $project->title . ' logo" /></td>');
write('<td style="border: 0px;">');
if (empty($project->latestVersion))
24,30 → 24,30
if (!empty($title))
$page->query('UPDATE Projects SET Title = "' . $title . '" WHERE ID = ' . $project->ID);
$page->query('UPDATE Projects SET Title = "' . $title . '" WHERE ID = "' . $project->ID . '"');
if (!empty($description))
$page->query('UPDATE Projects SET Description = "' . $description . '" WHERE ID = ' . $project->ID);
$page->query('UPDATE Projects SET Description = "' . $description . '" WHERE ID = "' . $project->ID . '"');
if (!empty($logoURL))
$page->query('UPDATE Projects SET LogoURL = "' . $logoURL . '" WHERE ID = ' . $project->ID);
$page->query('UPDATE Projects SET LogoURL = "' . $logoURL . '" WHERE ID = "' . $project->ID . '"');
if (!empty($websiteURL))
$page->query('UPDATE Projects SET WebsiteURL = "' . $websiteURL . '" WHERE ID = ' . $project->ID);
$page->query('UPDATE Projects SET WebsiteURL = "' . $websiteURL . '" WHERE ID = "' . $project->ID . '"');
if (!empty($downloadURL))
$page->query('UPDATE Projects SET DownloadURL = "' . $downloadURL . '" WHERE ID = ' . $project->ID);
$page->query('UPDATE Projects SET DownloadURL = "' . $downloadURL . '" WHERE ID = "' . $project->ID . '"');
if (!empty($latestVersion))
$page->query('UPDATE Projects SET LatestVersion = "' . $latestVersion . '" WHERE ID = ' . $project->ID);
$page->query('UPDATE Projects SET LatestVersion = "' . $latestVersion . '" WHERE ID = "' . $project->ID . '"');
$page->query('UPDATE Projects SET LastUpdate = NOW() WHERE ID = ' . $project->ID);
$page->query('UPDATE Projects SET LastUpdate = NOW() WHERE ID = "' . $project->ID . '"');
25,7 → 25,7
if ($page->isUserGM($user))
$page->query('INSERT INTO Projects VALUES (0, ' . $user->ID . ', "' . $title . '", "' . $description . '", "' . $logoURL . '", "' . $downloadURL . '", "' . $websiteURL . '", "' . $latestVersion . '", NOW())');
$page->query('INSERT INTO Projects VALUES (0, "' . $user->ID . '", "' . $title . '", "' . $description . '", "' . $logoURL . '", "' . $downloadURL . '", "' . $websiteURL . '", "' . $latestVersion . '", NOW())');
10,7 → 10,7
if (($page->isUserAdmin($page->getLoggedInUser()) || $page->getLoggedInUser()->ID == $project->author->ID) && $project)
$page->query('DELETE FROM Projects WHERE ID = ' . $id);
$page->query('DELETE FROM Projects WHERE ID = "' . $id . '"');
4,17 → 4,16
$page = new Taios_Page('Home');
$page->drawMenuItem('Biggles', '/~biggles/');
$page->drawMenuItem('FredFace', '/~freddie/');
$page->drawMenuItem('Muzer', '/~muzer/');
$page->drawMenuItem('TomMan', '/~tom/');
<p class="bold">Welcome to Tim32!</p>
<p>Tim32 is a 10 year-old laptop running Ubuntu Server Edition 10.04.</p>
write('<p>Tim32 is a ' . (date("Y") - 2000) . '-year-old laptop running Ubuntu Server Edition 10.04.</p>');
write('<p>On the other hand, Tim36 (which is serving this page) is a ' . (date("Y") - 2007) . '-year-old laptop running Ubuntu Server Edition 10.04.</p>');
<p>By using this website, you hereby accept cookies being stored on your computer.</p>
<br />
<h3 title="Take the Tim32 challenge:">Latest Blog Posts</h3>
22,15 → 21,19
$ids = $page->findIDs('BlogPosts', 'WHERE ParentID = -1 ORDER BY DatePosted DESC');
$ids = $page->findIDs('BlogPosts', 'WHERE ParentID = -1 AND Category != "Drafts" ORDER BY DatePosted DESC');
for ($i = 0; $i < 4 && $i < count($ids); $i++)
$id = $ids[$i];
$post = $page->getBlogPost($id);
write('<h4><a href="blog/post.php?id=' . $post->ID . '">' . $post->title. '</a></h4>');
$comment_count = 0;
$ids2 = $page->findIDs('BlogPosts', 'WHERE ParentID="' . $id . '"');
write('<a href="blog/post.php?id=' . $id . '"><h3>' . $post->title. '</h3></a>');
write('<h5 style="color: #666666;">Posted On ' . date('l j F Y', $post->datePosted) . ' by ' . $post->user->name . ' (' . $post->user->username . ')</h5>');
write('<p>' . $page->replaceBBCode($post->content) . '</p>');
write('<h5 style="color: #666666;">' . count($ids2) . ' Comments</h5>');
write('<br />');
0,0 → 1,51
function updateResult(box, text) {
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$(this).attr("title", "Open TCP Editor");
36,11 → 36,13
write('<title>Tim32 &middot; ' . $this->title . '</title>');
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write('<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $this->url . 'tcp.js"></script>');
write('<div class="sidebar">');
write('<div class="sidebar-header">');
write('<a href="' . $this->url . '"><h1>Tim32</h1></a>');
write('<div class="sidebar-menu">');
$this->drawMenuItem('Home', 'index.php');
50,35 → 52,32
$this->drawMenuItem('Wiki', 'wiki/');
$this->drawMenuItem('Photos', 'photos/');
write('<br />');
if ($this->isLoggedIn() && $this->isUserNormal($this->getLoggedInUser()))
if ($this->isLoggedIn() && $this->isUserNormal($this->getLoggedInUser())) {
$this->drawMenuItem('Administration', 'admin/');
$this->drawMenuItem('Logout', 'logout-do.php');
else if ($this->isLoggedIn())
} else if ($this->isLoggedIn()) {
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$this->drawMenuItem('You are banned', NULL);
} else {
$this->drawMenuItem('<span style="color:#032865">#undefined</span>', '/challenge/cakefolder');
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$this->drawMenuItem('Login', 'login.php');
$this->drawMenuItem('Register', 'register.php');
write('<br />');
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function drawMenuItem($t, $u)
if($u == NULL)
function drawMenuItem($t, $u) {
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} else {
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85,13 → 84,11
function drawMiddle()
if (!$this->drawnMiddle)
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$this->drawnMiddle = true;
101,7 → 98,6
if (!$this->drawnFooter)
write('<br /><p class="copyright">Tim32</p>');
151,7 → 147,7
write('</p><br />');
$ids = $this->findIDs('BlogPosts', 'WHERE ParentID=' . $id);
$ids = $this->findIDs('BlogPosts', 'WHERE ParentID="' . $id . '"');
for ($i = 0; $i < count($ids); $i++)
write('<div class="indent">');
168,7 → 164,7
for ($i = 0; $i < count($ids); $i++)
$cat = $this->getBlogPost($ids[$i])->category;
if (!in_array($cat, $cats))
if (!in_array($cat, $cats) && ($cat != "Drafts" || $this->isUserGM($this->getLoggedInUser())))
array_push($cats, $cat);
183,64 → 179,42
function replaceBBCode($str)
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$newstr = str_replace(' :D', ' <img src="' . $this->url . 'data/smilies/face-laugh.png" class="smiley" />',$newstr);
$newstr = str_replace(' =D', ' <img src="' . $this->url . 'data/smilies/face-laugh.png" class="smiley" />',$newstr);
$newstr = str_replace(' :(', ' <img src="' . $this->url . 'data/smilies/face-sad.png" class="smiley" />',$newstr);
$newstr = str_replace(' :0', ' <img src="' . $this->url . 'data/smilies/face-surprise.png" class="smiley" />',$newstr);
$newstr = str_replace(' :o', ' <img src="' . $this->url . 'data/smilies/face-surprise.png" class="smiley" />',$newstr);
$newstr = str_replace(' :O', ' <img src="' . $this->url . 'data/smilies/face-surprise.png" class="smiley" />',$newstr);
$newstr = str_replace(' :/', ' <img src="' . $this->url . 'data/smilies/face-uncertain.png" class="smiley" />',$newstr);
$newstr = str_replace(' ;)', ' <img src="' . $this->url . 'data/smilies/face-wink.png" class="smiley" />',$newstr);
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$newstr = preg_replace($bbcode, $html, $newstr);
377,7 → 351,7
function getUserByID($id)
$result = $this->query('SELECT * FROM Users WHERE ID = ' . $id);
$result = $this->query('SELECT * FROM Users WHERE ID = "' . $id . '"');
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
$user = new User;
419,7 → 393,7
function getBlogPost($id)
$result = $this->query('SELECT * FROM BlogPosts WHERE ID = ' . $id);
$result = $this->query('SELECT * FROM BlogPosts WHERE ID = "' . $id . '"');
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
$post = new BlogPost;
434,8 → 408,8
$post->author = $this->getUserByID($row['AuthorID']);
$post->user = $this->getUserByID($row['AuthorID']); // For some older pages
$post->title = $row['Title'];
$post->content = $row['Content'];
$post->title = htmlspecialchars($row['Title']);
$post->content = htmlspecialchars($row['Content']);
$post->datePosted = strtotime($row['DatePosted']);
$post->category = $row['Category'];
$post->spam = $row['Spam'];
448,7 → 422,7
function getProject($id)
$result = $this->query('SELECT * FROM Projects WHERE ID = ' . $id);
$result = $this->query('SELECT * FROM Projects WHERE ID = "' . $id . '"');
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
$project = new Project;
471,7 → 445,7
function getForumCategory($id)
$result = $this->query('SELECT * FROM ForumCategories WHERE ID = ' . $id);
$result = $this->query('SELECT * FROM ForumCategories WHERE ID = "' . $id . '"');
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
$f = new ForumCategory;
489,7 → 463,7
function getForumPost($id)
$result = $this->query('SELECT * FROM ForumPosts WHERE ID = ' . $id);
$result = $this->query('SELECT * FROM ForumPosts WHERE ID = "' . $id . '"');
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
$f = new ForumPost;
511,13 → 485,13
function delBlogPost($id)
$ids = $this->findIDs('BlogPosts', 'WHERE ParentID=' . $id);
$ids = $this->findIDs('BlogPosts', 'WHERE ParentID="' . $id . '"');
for ($i = 0; $i < count($ids); $i++)
$this->query('DELETE FROM BlogPosts WHERE ID=' . $id);
$this->query('DELETE FROM BlogPosts WHERE ID="' . $id . '"');
function getGetID()
1,12 → 1,10
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64,6 → 62,12
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93,16 → 97,18
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133,9 → 139,17
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154,13 → 168,29
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45,7 → 45,7
$page->drawError('You do not have permission to access this page.');
$page->query('INSERT INTO BlogPosts VALUES(0, ' . $parentID . ', "' . $page->getLoggedInUser()->ID . '", "' . $title . '", "' . $content . '", NOW(), "' . $category . '", 0)');
$page->query('INSERT INTO BlogPosts VALUES(0, "' . $parentID . '", "' . $page->getLoggedInUser()->ID . '", "' . $title . '", "' . $content . '", NOW(), "' . $category . '", 0)');
$page->redirect('post.php?id=' . $parentID);
23,6 → 23,11
write('<p>Only showing blog posts from the ' . $_GET['cat'] . ' category. <a href="index.php">Reset Filtering</a></p><br />');
$query = $query . ' AND Category != "Drafts"';
$query = $query . " ORDER BY DatePosted DESC";
$ids = $page->findIDs('BlogPosts', $query);
30,10 → 35,13
$id = $ids[$i];
$post = $page->getBlogPost($id);
$ids2 = $page->findIDs('BlogPosts', 'WHERE ParentID="' . $id . '"');
write('<a href="post.php?id=' . $id . '"><h3>' . $post->title. '</h3></a>');
write('<h5 style="color: #666666;">Posted On ' . date('l j F Y', $post->datePosted) . ' by ' . $post->user->name . ' (' . $post->user->username . ')</h5>');
write('<p>' . $page->replaceBBCode($post->content) . '</p>');
write('<h5 style="color: #666666;"><a href="post.php?id=' . $id . '">' . count($ids2) . ' Comments</a></h5>');
write('<br />');
43,7 → 43,7
$page->query('UPDATE BlogPosts SET Content = "' . $content . '", Title = "' . $title . '", Category = "' . $category . '" WHERE ID = ' . $id);
$page->query('UPDATE BlogPosts SET Content = "' . $content . '", Title = "' . $title . '", Category = "' . $category . '" WHERE ID = "' . $id . '"');
$page->redirect('post.php?id=' . $id);
13,7 → 13,7
write('<description>This is the RSS feed for the Tim32 Blog.</description>');
$ids = $page->findIDs('BlogPosts', 'WHERE ParentID = -1 ORDER BY DatePosted DESC');
$ids = $page->findIDs('BlogPosts', 'WHERE ParentID = -1 AND CATEGORY != "Drafts" ORDER BY DatePosted DESC');
for ($i = 0; $i < count($ids); $i++)
$id = $ids[$i];
7,10 → 7,8
$page = new Taios_Page('404 - Page not found', '/');
$page->drawMenuItem('Biggles', '~biggles/');
$page->drawMenuItem('Freddie (FredFace)', '~freddie/');
$page->drawMenuItem('FredFace', '~freddie/');
$page->drawMenuItem('Muzer', '~muzer/');
$page->drawMenuItem('Tom (TomMan)', '~tom/');
26,6 → 24,9
$page->drawMenuItem('Tim32 Homepage', 'index.php');
$page->drawMenuItem('', '');
<iframe src=";key=30aca9cedc0df2682afc4e195eedb1e2" width="100%" height="650" frameborder="0"></iframe>
9,6 → 9,7
<p class="bold">Here you can login to Tim32 using your Tim32 account.</p>
<p>By using this website, you hereby accept cookies being stored on your computer.</p>
<br />
21,6 → 22,12
<form action="login-do.php" method="POST">
$redirurl = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
$redirurl = $_GET['oldurl'];
write('<input type="hidden" name="oldurl" value="' . $redirurl . '" />');
<td class="bold">Username: </td>
34,7 → 34,7
$page->redirect('add-post.php?error=No Content Specified');
$page->query('INSERT INTO ForumPosts VALUES (0, ' .$page->getLoggedInUser()->ID . ', ' . $categoryID . ', ' . $parentID . ', "' . $title . '", "' . $content . '", NOW(), FALSE)');
$page->query('INSERT INTO ForumPosts VALUES (0, "' .$page->getLoggedInUser()->ID . '", "' . $categoryID . '", "' . $parentID . '", "' . $title . '", "' . $content . '", NOW(), FALSE)');
$page->redirect('index.php?parentID=' . $categoryID);
10,7 → 10,7
if ($page->isUserAdmin($page->getLoggedInUser()))
$page->query('DELETE FROM ForumCategories WHERE ID = ' . $id);
$page->query('DELETE FROM ForumCategories WHERE ID = "' . $id . '"');
18,7 → 18,7
$page->redirect('edit-category.php?error=No Title Specified');
$page->query('UPDATE ForumCategories SET Title = "' . $title . '", Description = "' . $description . '" WHERE ID = ' . $id);
$page->query('UPDATE ForumCategories SET Title = "' . $title . '", Description = "' . $description . '" WHERE ID = "' . $id . '"');
22,7 → 22,7
$page->redirect('add-category.php?error=No Title Specified');
$page->query('INSERT INTO ForumCategories VALUES (0, ' . $parentID . ', "' . $title . '", "' . $description . '")');
$page->query('INSERT INTO ForumCategories VALUES (0, "' . $parentID . '", "' . $title . '", "' . $description . '")');
$page->redirect('index.php?parentID=' . $parentID);
11,7 → 11,7
if (($page->isUserAdmin($page->getLoggedInUser()) || $post->author->ID == $page->getLoggedInUser()->ID) && $post && $page->isUserNormal($page->getLoggedInUser()))
$page->query('DELETE FROM ForumPosts WHERE ID = ' . $id);
$page->query('DELETE FROM ForumPosts WHERE ID = "' . $id . '"');
24,7 → 24,7
write('<br />');
$ids = $page->findIDs('ForumPosts', 'WHERE ParentID = ' . $id . ' ORDER BY DatePosted ASC');
$ids = $page->findIDs('ForumPosts', 'WHERE ParentID = "' . $id . '" ORDER BY DatePosted ASC');
for ($i = 0; $i < count($ids); $i++)
$forumPost = $page->getForumPost($ids[$i]);
42,7 → 42,7
write('</p><br />');
$ids = $page->findIDs('ForumCategories', 'WHERE ParentID = ' . $parentID . ' ORDER BY Title ASC');
$ids = $page->findIDs('ForumCategories', 'WHERE ParentID = "' . $parentID . '" ORDER BY Title ASC');
if (count($ids) >= 1)
61,7 → 61,7
write('<br />');
$ids = $page->findIDs('ForumPosts', 'WHERE CategoryID = ' . $parentID . ' AND ParentID = -1 ORDER BY Title ASC');
$ids = $page->findIDs('ForumPosts', 'WHERE CategoryID = "' . $parentID . '" AND ParentID = -1 ORDER BY Title ASC');
if (count($ids) >= 1)
8,19 → 8,24
$password = $_POST['password'];
$remember = $_POST['remember'] == 'yes';
if(strpos($_POST['oldurl'], "") === FALSE || strpos($_POST['oldurl'], "login") !== FALSE)
$redirurl = "";
$redirurl = $_POST['oldurl'];
if (empty($username))
$page->redirect('login.php?error=No Username Specified');
$page->redirect('login.php?error=No Username Specified&oldurl=' . urlencode($redirurl));
if (empty($password))
$page->redirect('login.php?error=No Password Specified');
$page->redirect('login.php?error=No Password Specified&oldurl=' . urlencode($redirurl));
$user = $page->getUserByUsername($username);
if (!$user || $user->password != sha1($password))
$page->redirect('login.php?error=Incorrect Username or Password');
$page->redirect('login.php?error=Incorrect Username or Password&oldurl=' . urlencode($redirurl));
$expires = -1;
32,6 → 37,6
setcookie('Tim32_Login', $user->username . '|~|' . $user->password, $expires, '/');