{% block body %} <b>Na'vi word:</b><br/> <formaction="/parse"method="post"> <inputid="word"name="word"type="text"value="{{last}}"style="width: 100%;"/> <inputname="btn"type="submit"value="Parse!"/> </form>
{% if out %} <tableborder="1"> <tr> <th>Words</th> <th>Parts</th> <th>Data</th> </tr>
{% for wor in out %} <tr> <tdrowspan="4">{{ wor["word"]["navi"] }}</td> <td>Infixes:</td> <td>{{ u", ".join(wor["inf"]) }}</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Prefixes:</td> <td>{{ u"; ".join(u", ".join(x) for x in wor["pref"]) }}</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Postfixes:</td> <td>{{ u"; ".join(u", ".join(x) for x in wor["post"]) }}</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Lenited:</td> <td>{{ str(wor["len"]) }}</td> </tr>
{% end %} </table>
{% end %} <scripttype="text/javascript">
document.getElementById("word").focus(); </script> <p>This program uses Eana Eltu for the list of words and infix positions (but nothing else), created by Tuiq and Taronyu. Thanks also go to the rest of the Learn Na'vi community!</p>
{% end %}